Friday, August 24, 2007

Boots are on the Ground

Mr. Potato Head that is. Here is the first lil letter to S. I haven't read or shared the pics to S, I will at breakfast in the am.

These are the first pics I have see of hubby since he's been gone. He looks a lil chunkier in the face but I guess thats what the heat will do to ya.

I have been taking a few pictures of Mr. Potato Head and will go ahead an send a few now. He kept falling apart so I took some super glue and glues his feet and hat to his body. I have been taking him around with me getting his orientation out of the way. I showed him where the Chow Hall is and where to find the office. He has been sleeping in my locker. I have named the pictures so you know what he is doing in each photo.
Mom told me you had your first half day of school. I hope you liked it. did you have fun? Do you want to go back? When Daddy was a little boy I liked going to school. We had nap time, snack time, recess where we played outside. We ate lunch in the lunch room. and we colored and learned to write. I know that you will have lots of fun when you go back to school soon.
I love you and will take more pictures of
Mr. Potato Head doing silly things.
Love Daddy

PVT PH emails Shelby

Battle buddies bonding, lol

and of course a lil PS2 training.

I think Pvt. PH needs to get to work don't u??


Jennifer said...

all these pics of private potatoe head are great. it swee that he gets to send them to shelby. i bet she LOVES it!

Kasey said...

This is such a cute idea!