Monday, August 29, 2005

pure lazy

Yep, didn't do a thing today!!! Josh played online most of the day. I layed on the couch watching hurricane katrina over and over..while dh told me I was becoming OLD cuz I watch the news too much.

Shel knows the ultrasound pic is a baby...she sees it and says BABY!! Hopefully, she will understand that when we get more ultrasounds done...4 weeks until my next one this time to confirm my due date. I think my date is gonna be pretty close to our ETS date. I wouldn't be sad if I got to deliver back would be like delivering in a 5 star hotel where everyone knows us. It will be weird compared to Shels deliver with family around us, visitors in and out. When I had Shel is was quiet the phone rang alot. A definate draw back from being so far from family.

We shall see what happens only time will tell.