J is on a normal school schedule now. He hasn't heard a new projected date for graduation or for us leaving here. I am gonna cross my fingers and hope that we are leave here before Thanksgiving. I am cravin some Zaxby's or Chick fil'-a....YUM!
A little family news! I am going to be an aunt again. My SIL (brothers wife) is expecting baby number 2 around March. I am hoping its a lil boy. I won't miss this birth either due to the move. My other SIL, is moving with her man to Dallas, TX. He got an awesome job transfer offer. I am a little sad but happy for them. I was hoping to be able to spend lots of time together once we moved but hopefully she will visit often.
Last night, we had some wicked thunder and lightening. I was sound asleep and woke up to imagining fire truck flashing lights coming thru the blinds. I jumped outta bed to see and it was just lightening. It was like that all night and now its really cloudy outside.
S has been writing her letters over and over again. I was able to snap a couple of pictures before she colored over them.
<~~~H, she knows her sisters name starts with that letter. She tells us that she wrote Hailey's name.
The letters of our first name seem to be her favorite to write since she thinks she is writing our full name. Kid are so funny.
~~~> Her J, with a curl. <~~~D!!
I think H is teething. Gotta run she is calling. Maybe I can get a lil sewing done at naptime.
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