Thursday, June 30, 2005


Wednesday ALREADY!!!

Almost time for a 4 day weekend!!! I am tired tonight...2 days of company has worn me out. Especially today we did a playgroup with pools....the little kiddos played in the pools mostly and the older ones rode around on the ride on toys. Everyone played good no fussing or fighting it was fun being outside...& I got meet some more girls.

Craft Day they made a bead banner and they came out cute. Not sure what we are doing next week....only time will tell....possibly fun fur scrunchies!!

Thy blanket is looking good....I almost have all the squares to complete 4 rows in length....that means only 13 more rows in length left...its time consuming putting the squares together they are small, only two rounds on one square....slowly but surely it will get together.
One of my girlfriends gave me patterns to put up tigger, piglet & pooh on shels wall....since I can't paint..and I wanna be able to reuse them..I am gonna put them on poster board. Just another project to work on....maybe we can work on them together.

Munchkin is no longer using the potty chart. She know the concept so we are just doing treats...she now puts the potty on the toilet so she doesn't fall in...and steps to it. Another accomplishment and a new one to work on....putting on her own pull up..she does its just time to put it on correctly. She is talking up a storm...She will prolly be the one getting in trouble for talking in class.

Tomorrow is a down day for me since we have been busy around here.

Last but not least....I have a BABYSITTER...kudos to us!!! What to do first!!